The Exhibit

Said: “Come—Closer so you may see,
Prepare yourselves for The Sight:
It’ll affect how you’ll be,
And will give you quite a fright!
We are proud to present this
Hush now—Silence!—no more din.
The Sight is removed from bliss:
Get ready to see the Sin!
For the image prepare zeal:
Physically it will express
—quickly like a flashing eel—
Mentally, try to depress
What’s inside your mind pent:

Dread & terror of the scene
Forever from the moment.
Brace for the gross & obscene!
Incline & consume The Sight
That repeals & attracts…fright!

The faded purple Curtain is raised—
the public gasps in shock and dismay:
The scene unfolding before them is too much—
for some to grasp—to comprehend.
The poet lay naked, huddled
and humiliated in the corner of his cage.
Gripped in a blaze of inspiration
his pen scrawls across the page
leaving behind moving poetic notions.
His hair is wild and the chains on
his wrists and ankles, rub him raw, drawing fresh blood.
He endures the suffering—only—by
knowing there will be a pause soon—soon
in another minute—a second more:
The Curtain will drop and it will
be over for the audience. But
the poet’s tale remains without end.
Forced in the grip of some unseen muse to write—
The Curtain hangs one final moment…
The poet retreats into himself further.

The Curtain drops—pause for the poet,
the spectators shudder as they recall
The Sight. As they are ushered to the
Next Exhibit they compare notes and
once again their attention is gained:
The audience leans in with eager
expectations for yet another
Exhibit on this strange and odd tour.


Also published on Medium.

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