
Here is where you can discover where Sammy will be: either armed with a dog-eared copy of Red Letter Nights ready to perform or co-hosting a S’up Cuz booth with his homefry DC or…well you never do know with this kid. Surprises are always on the agenda.

RLN= Red Letter Nights events
SC= S’up Cuz jam

So Stay Tuned…Upcoming Events:
In Session With Girth
Every Thursday at 6pm join me at the Pacific Junction Hotel Bar (234 King Street East):
live music occasionally, band interviews always.

Past Parties:
NXNE Girth Party


TO WebFest 2014

On Sunday, May 11, 2014 I joined the TO WebFest panel The Web Series Soundtrack: With: Adrian Ellis, Tony Tobias & Aaron Tsang. Moderator: Carly Beath.

Thank you Director Sherren Lee, TO WebFest and all the people who asked questions.

CMW NewMusic Ten

NXNE NewMusic Ten

RLN & SC:  FanExpo Canada
August 25-28, 2011
Artist Alley AA1

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
South Building
222 Bremner Blvd.
Toronto, ON

Highlight: You must come to this! Nerds! Comics! Debates (Who is the best Trek captain??)! I’ll be selling Red Letter Nights & S’up Cuz t-shirts plus pimping On Your Nose. Yo…simply this is one party you cannot afford to miss.

SC: The Clothing Show
May 27-29
The Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place
Toronto, ON

Highlight:  Selling S’up Cuz. On Friday we did PWYT (Pay What You Think!). We so crazy, yo!

Vas Vega Residency @ The Cameron House (Every Monday Night)
The Cameron House
408 Queen Street W
8PM – $5

March 28 2011
March 7 2011

February 28 2011
February 7 2011

January 24 2011
January 17 2011
January 10 2011

Highlight:  Thank you Vas Vega for this opportunity!

2010 Shenanigans:
Thursday April 15, 2010
Ruta Maya Coffeehouse
Austin, TX
Noon-2pm, 2010 AIPF Open Mic

Setlist: Red Letter Nights poems Red Herrings, Untitled (Coke poem)

Friday April 16, 2010
Westminster Manor
Austin, TX
2010 AIPF Reading, 7-9pm
Host: Barbara Youngblood Carr | Readers: John Row, Nathan Brown, Christine Gilbert, Elizabeth Kropf, Bob Mud, Chip Ross, Sammy Younan, Marc Carver, Ron Wallace, Jill Wiggins, Anne Gordon Perry

Saturday April 17, 2010
The Hideout Theatre & Coffeehouse
Austin, TX
2010 AIPF Reading, 1-3pm
Host: Chip Ross | Readers: Norris White Jr., Sammy Younan, Brandon Bourgeois, Vince Quinlan, Rage Almighty, Alfredo Perez-Jurado, Thom Moon Bird, Robin Cravey, Ronnie K. Stephens

Huston-Tillotson University
(King Seabrook Chapel, Foyer), Austin, TX
2010 AIPF Reading, 4-6pm
Host: Faylita Hicks | Readers: Ashira Malka, Strange Fruit da Poet, Joe Mills, John Milkereit, Ian Horn, Jazz One, Hetty Borinstein, John Row, Mark Zuiderveld, Sammy Younan, Timothy House

Saturday March 6, 2010
Smiling Buddha Bar
Toronto, ON

Setlist: Red Letter Nights poems Red Herrings, Wake Up Tea!, Flight 23: Wingspan and Why? Or The Eternal Question. {Live debut of Red Herrings and Flight 23}

Highlight No. 1: Some girl (the audience wasn’t lit so it was hard to make them out…) whoooooed after Why. Yes! Still got it.

Highlight No. 2: At the urinal next to me for the second time in my life a guy leans over and tells me how much he likes my stuff: it’s awesome! I’m like…great! Can we talk just after we finish this bit of business?

Special thanks to Nelson/Melting Pot for arranging this awesome opportunity.

Sunday November 29, 2009
Celebration Of The Arts

Setlist: Red Letter Nights poem On Stars (with a modified end…)

Highlight: This was a fun gig but one of the other presenters was this guy on a harmonica and man did he ever tear that up!

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"Red Letter Nights"
by Sammy Younan is available!


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