Moms, Mothers

It’s utterly fantastic that we have a day to pause and reflect on the extraordinary strong and beautiful women in our lives.

The first person we ever meet and the only person in our lives who ends conversations with “because I said so.”

Many of my Facebook lady friends are Moms…to you ladies and to my Mom thank you for always reminding me not to put that in my ear. Or in my mouth. Thanks for always throwing away my comic books…having a complete set is so overrated.

Thank you for always feeding me…I still don’t understand what “sensible bites!” means when we’re eating; I hope you eventually realize “eat around the burnt parts” is an unappetizing way to sell dinner.
And while “your roof = your rules!” was an answer I don’t get why elbows on the table are a criminal offensive or why you let the weather girl on channel 3 have more influence on my fashion choices than GQ. There’s no clouds I really don’t think it’s going to rain, do I really have to wear this jacket?

I confess: when you’re not looking I run with scissors so I am still an ongoing project. So far nobody’s lost an eye and so far, you are right it is fun. Just like you, Moms.


Also published on Medium.

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