Threadless: Hobo Street Cred

And now a special announcement slash Bat Signal support request from DC, the other half of S’up Cuz:

Yo Yo: DC in da house! I have a new t-shirt design accepted by Threadless for scoring and I need your support!!

Quick recap: Threadless is a community based t-shirt company, anyone can submit designs for various theme challenges. Winners get cash/prize and their design printed.

This is a big one folks – $10,000 prize!

This design is my homage to the original king of the road: The Hobo. Gentle yet street savvy; instinctive and in-tuned, he needs no train schedule to know where the next opportunity is. True fact: Hobos started Hollywood. Yes, he’s more than a man; he’s the gold standard in which all street warriors measure themselves to. I present to you…


You score by rating the design between 1 and 5 — 5 being the best score and… don’t you worry your pretty little head about the rest of the numbers.

Remember you have to be a community member of Threadless to vote. Good news is, its free with no obligations, just create a username and password and opt out of the newsletter if you want.

Tell your friends, tell your mother, tell your friend’s mother!

Thanks for your support!


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