Endangered Species 8472

Came across this crazy stat/fact.

November 4, 1998…that’s the last appearance of Species 8472…a Season 5 episode of Star Trek: Voyager called In The Flesh. (Even more startlingly the episode was written by Nick Sagan, son of astronomer Carl Sagan! Fun Facts upon Fun Facts!)

(I’m sure Species 8472 have probably surfaced in books, games etc.but in tv shows and movies…nope.)

So yeah…November 4, 1998…time is more fluid than space.

That J.J.’s Star Treks (I call em Star Wrecks for obvious reasons) features unused aliens like Species 8472 makes the J.J. movies even more redundant (if that’s possible).

Even Star Trek: Discovery like you can literally tell any story in the entire Star Trek world….aliens, species, planets and…Star Trek: Discovery a decade before Captain Kirk is what you want to do!? Why? Especially following the failure of Star Trek: Enterprise. Why?

For a science-fiction franchise committed to exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new life and civilizations to just abandon Species 8472 is disheartening.

Don’t start over…more forward! Go boldly where no man has gone before…to the future!


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