W is For Worry…

Angrily started one of the Fall books I’ve been impatiently awaiting. (Lotta issues wrapped up in that short statement!).

It’s W is for Wasted…yes W. It’s Sue Grafton’s alphabet mysteries…a series I foolishly began way back at C is for Corpse…in 1987! So angry.

Now we’re at W and we just gotta hang on.

She’s not getting any younger and neither am I. At this late date I’d so appreciate her publishing her physicals on her website. One of us is gonna finish this damn series.

In 1999 when Stephen King got hit by that van I was livid…we were only 4 books deep into the Dark Tower series! You can’t just leave a brother hanging! I was fully prepared to Misery him into writing the final books! I’m angry at myself for jumping into these series.

When the Harry Potter crazy hit I constantly got pestered: “Did you read em?” Of course I did not!! It was 7 books, I’m waiting until that British chick finishes all of them. And now she’s writing movies after the books, no way I am going near Potter until it’s done, done or she’s dead.

V.C. Andrews died in 1986, shortly after Flowers in the Attic. Those poor readers.

And yet here I am…in 2013 with a series I started in 1987 and 3 books to go.

Sue Grafton you better be eating your veggies, going to the gym and please: No Smoking!!


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