Trial by Trailer: Including…The Prodigy

Is this good?
Will this be good?
Every movie trailer answers or challenges those 2 questions. The ham-fisted rebuttal comes swiftly, however: no you don’t need to always see a movie to know it’s tank.

Do you really need to sit through a Michael Bay Transformers movie to know for sure? Tank is Tank. And Fresh…well Fresh is always Fresh. I’m down like I’m Brown for that.

For the week of December 31, 2018-January 5, 2019 I cover:
The Prodigy

Shall we begin?

The Prodigy (January 7)
The Prodigy is latest in that “creepy children speaking in monotone doing eeeeevil things like murder” horror genre.

Yeah I’m not a fan of those “there’s something wrong with Timmy!” movies. I dunno why this genre continues to grow…it’s an unstoppable monster. There’s 8 (8!!) Children of the Corn movies…and there’s one more coming or may have come out.

Who is enjoying these!

Sammy Verdict: Out February 8…eh I’ll wait for Netflix.


Listen to My Summer Lair @ W • T • F

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