Trailer Alert: Crimson Peak

Get the feeling I’ll be sleeping with my G.I. Joe nightlight after this…Guillermo del Toro returns with Crimson Peak:

I didn’t dig Pacific Rim (and I’m #TeamRuckus!) but I got sweet hope del Toro is back in fine form with Crimson Peak. Dude rocks the horror genre so I’m expecting a crazy party.

Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska…I dunno who any of those people are save Tom, dude’s Loki from Avengers. I’m curious to see what he can do.

Lastly…this was shot in Toronto, which for many big budget movies is standard: can you tell?

Crimson Peak is in cinemas near you on October 16th, 2015.

Sammy’s Status: I’m in! Friend of mine has a small role as a maid so I wanna support her.

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