The Last Dance Meets The Untouchables

In the first episode of Jordan Ain’t No Joke (a Last Dance podcast) I mentioned sports writer Roland Lazenby who tweeted the following this morning:

Oh man. THAT is what I’ve been trying to say or express I just didn’t know how to do it.

Dude went off today on Twitter…all kinds of rich and insightful NBA gems. Here’s another one:

We do this for movies: we adjust Star Wars’ box office from 1970s dollars to today’s money factoring in inflation etc.

And it’s not fair to just say Jordan would score 40 points per game in today’s era; it’s cheap like talk. Like we were alive when the NBA introduced the 3 point shot (1979…Larry Bird’s NBA debut actually.). From 1979 to 2020 we’ve seen how that shot has evolved because the NBA game has evolved.

It’s interesting. That’s something we haven’t discussed on the Jordan Ain’t No Joke podcast (yet…) how the game has “evolved” since Jordan and because of Jordan. And again with The Last Dance there’s a lack of context.

The game is not the same..the rules are not the same, the way it’s reffed is not the same. This is an NBA documentary but the NBA is not a static entity. Different NBA eras are not defined solely by players but how the game is played and the rules of the game.

If you’ve a chance read him on Twitter today. His coffee is strong.

This is another one I dug:

Oh Yes. He’s right. These aren’t tweets they’re grenades. It’s the baseball bat scene from Untouchables.


Photo provided by the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution

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