Rick Rubin Is So Not Stay Puft

Wow! Found Ghostbusters the good one…the original 84 on a movie channel (almost right at the start!!).

And I just noticed that the comedy/vibe of this movie mirrors the Beastie Boys Sabotage video with a dash of Intergalactic’s uniforms.

The vibe/style overlap:

Mike D is Bill Murray/Venkman

Ad-Rock is Dan Aykroyd/Stantz

Adam Yauch is Harold Ramis/Spengler.


If you wanna toss in Kate Schellenbach you got Sigourney Weaver. (I am not in any way suggesting Rick Rubin is Stay Puft though he has been a giant in music.)

It’s the same humour; same sarcasm, same foolishness…Ghostbusters is a 2 hour Beastie Boys video. Yo! Think about this and get back to me.


#SetTheVCR: May 17-23, 2020

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

We have new shows and old sarcasm! Aren’t you glad you came? We are. Welcome to #SetTheVCR.

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Beastie Boys Story Is Our Story

Yo sat down with a rum and Coke (actually it was barely Coke…I’m not driving or wearing pants but it’s Saturday night and I’m young, single and armed with disposable income so let’s get down a bit…) to watch the Beastie Boys Story.

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#SetTheVCR: April 19-25, 2020

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

Lo!! Some sports make an appearance on #SetTheVCR. Do you remember sports? And in case you ain’t Sporty we lots of “Spicy-tv” for you. (Probably the only time the Spice Girls will be mentioned on #SetTheVCR.)

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Hip Hop Proverbs #3

And to think this whole time you were taking fashion cues from Vogue and GQ, turns out all you required was this honest Hip Hop Proverb (sing the rest if you know it and I know you know it):

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Picasso Baby Is Not A Love Child

On Wednesday July 10 a still hyphenated Jay-Z showed up at the Pace Gallery in Chelsea to rap Picasso Baby for 6 hours.

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Visiting The Adam Yauch Park

On May 4, 2012 we lost Adam Yauch AKA MCA. That’s cold: Death taking one of the Beastie Boys. A significant loss to hip hop, music, movies and most importantly shenanigans. Happily horseplay was quickly restored on May 3, 2013 when Palmetto Playground in Brooklyn was renamed the Adam Yauch Park.

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