Promising the Moon Knight

I made this joke when Andrew and I recorded Back Issue Bloodbath episode #102: A salute to Moon Knight by Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey. (Excellent series, highly Recommended Reading!) I’m repeating my joke again because…it’s funny cos it’s true and also I like my jokes!!

Are we still selling representation matters? Because this is all I got as an Egyptian comic book reader: a Jewish mercenary with dubious powers from a fictional Egyptian god who became a schizophrenic Avenger. So Inspiring! Crazy does make good cinema though…

As always this is not an official announcement; I share because this Feige is talking about Moon Knight which lends itself more to cinema than say the Netflix Marvel shows. As Avengers wraps up and Marvel moves forward introducing Captain Marvel, maybe Nova and Eternals…for Marvel Studio’s success to continue they’ll hafta to pimp cool and creative characters. Moon Knight could…work.


Marvel Has Plans For Moon Knight, Says Kevin Feige


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