Red Letter Nights Press: The Lance Interview

Excerpt from:

UWindsor grad aims to be well-fed poet
By Paul Breschuk, Lance Features Editor
The Lance

“While the book (Red Letter Nights) may not offer any definitive answers as to the true meaning or purpose of a certain colour, its careful study resembles a classical composer’s exploration of various keys.

Interestingly, it was the synesthesia of composer Alexander Scriabin which allowed him to experience musical notes as colours. The same sensory blending and creative reworking of interpreted truths can be found within the lines of Red Letter Nights.

Younan’s refined perception leads him to find inspiration in any manner of experience, constantly evaluating the poetic possibility of even the most mundane occurrences.

“Any writer who says they have to wait for inspiration is fired,” explained Younan. “Inspiration is not like the bus. It will not come because you are faithfully standing in the right spot.”

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