New Project: On Your Nose!

Alright so…new project news!

People in cyber land meet On Your Nose, On Your Nose meet people in cyber land. is…for you and by you. This is a new community. Does the web need another community? Absolutely, community is what the web is all about, especially a community with a special flavour. Check it…

As it says on the home page:
On Your Nose is the charismatic celebration of comeuppance in pop culture and life.

come·up·pance noun: A punishment or fate that someone earns. Yes Guy!

On Your Nose is that seriously sassy spot where your nasal bone ends and your cartilage begins.

On Your Nose: For when In Your Face just won’t do & Deal With It isn’t enough.

Oh yes, we’ve all been there. So go, sign up, play, post, read, comment, it’s your community. Make it what you will.

Yes Guy!

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