New Book Alert: October 7-11, 2019

My weekly collection of new and notable books for your pop culture pleasure and edification: #ReadMoreTweetLess.

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company by Robert Iger (Random House; Memoir on sale September 23, 2019): The template for building a cultural monopoly. Or how our culture eats your strategy for breakfast. #NewBookAlert for October 7, 2019.

Year of the Monkey by Patti Smith (Knopf; on sale September 24, 2019): Powerful Patti Smith continues to be a lyrical and poetic writer: she deftly fuses biography with dreams. Her Just Kids is an incredible highly recommended book! #NewBookAlert for October 8, 2019.

YThe Punch Escrow by Tal Klein (Geek & Sundry; Sci-Fi Novel on sale August 29, 2019): If you thought characters on Star Trek would abuse the holodeck imagine what they’d do with teleportation! Tal Klein did! I just started this novel on October 5, 2019. #NewBookAlert for October 9, 2019.

Net Work: Training the NBA’s Best and Finding the Keys to Greatness by Rob McClanaghan (Scribner; NBA on sale October 1, 2019): If you ain’t great then hate is your fate. In the NBA it’s called a court for a reason. Stop making excuses and do the work. Don’t Be Weak. This is a must-read: Stephen Curry, KD…so many greats. #NewBookAlert for October 10, 2019.

Fiction’s Truth: The Consequence of Representing Human Suffering, Distress, and Violence in Performance by Danielle Szlawieniec-Haw (Routledge; on sale October 1, 2019): Fiction’s Truth explores professional actors’ lived experiences of representing human suffering…perfect for the weekend! Actually, you may know Danielle Cole by face or by jokes…especially if you’re a local Toronto nerd. #NewBookAlert for October 11, 2019.


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