Too Much Shazam Punage

I don’t want to steal your thunder…or rain on your parade: if you’re going to Shazam this weekend go enjoy yourself.

No storm of controversy it’s not appealing to me: as a superhero he always has his head in the clouds. Which is attractive to many people: guess they find it enlightening.

I get this makes me a fair-weather nerd but when it rains it pours: we’re drowning in comic book movies and tv shows.

Every cloud has a silver lining and for us that means choice!

So I’ll save this white lightning for a rainy day: Netflix is my rain check.

P.S./PSA: If you’re in the mood to kick it old school this weekend The Matrix is still playing in select cinemas…so: I got ninety nine problems but a glitch ain’t one, hit me!

You’re crazy for this one, Sammy…


Listen to My Summer Lair @ W • T • F

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