Magic via Mirrors

Yo…just read about an old timey superstition that is ridiculously creepy.

Back in the day when somebody would die in the house the family would have to scramble to cover all the mirrors in the house so that the soul of the departed person wouldn’t get confused and get trapped in a mirror. It’s kinda like a bird mashing up against a window but with the supernatural.

There were old school sightings of relatives in mirrors…their souls forever trapped in a mirror. Oh snap!

I closed the internet and walked away.

This all came up because I was googling a story…and I may have written it. I wasn’t sure and google came up empty.

It’s about a cop who investigates murders by rewinding the images in a mirror, the way rewind works on a VCR. So he sees who did it and how the victim went out. He can only do this with mirrors not other reflective surfaces. Despite the creepiness of the superpower it makes him a successful detective. Then I forget what happens but all this time he’s been rewinding….VCRs can FF too!

So in front of a mirror he FFs and he instantly sees how he’s about to go out…there’s an escaped killer in his house: revenge! Cue credits.

Does that ring a bell at all? Google yielded nothing.


Also published on Medium.

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