Live Below The Line: Dispatch #1

Live Below The Line

Yo Ben Affleck:

So today’s the first day of Live Below The Line. How is your story so far? I am doing alright, bit hungry, otherwise I’m all good, business as it should.

Thanks for spending your celebrity currency on this campaign. That’s one element of suck associated with your 15…soon as you get famous there’s all kinds of demands on your time and your Daredevil money to support all kinds of causes. Think you choose wisely, sure warrants a high five.

Is Kevin Smith hasslin you? Yet? That guy should totally join us, invite him to the party. We can gang up and recycle Uncle Phil fat jokes from the Fresh Prince. (Better to go with the obvious when cracking sass, if we bring up Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back he’ll come back with Gigli jokes and it’ll get ugly quick, especially with everybody so hungry).

Should be a fascinating week, trying to live on $1.75 a day. (Well for you it’s a $1.50 a day…which is kinda of a rip, since American McDonald’s offers a dollar menu…4 nuggets for the win, yo!).

Though the limits are food I wonder if comic books, novels and movies count in my daily allowance. You know, soul nourishment. Trying to live on $1.75 a day on pop culture couldn’t get you far. Thank the Big Dude for the library (and free comic book day). In many ways there’s lot of things I can give up or do without, daily nourishment from movies and comic books and music is not one of them.

I don’t require a fast to be grateful for all the hardworking people who make my pop culture. I do wish it was easier to high five and fist bump em as a way to say thanks.

By the way, I am sorry I haven’t seen Argo. I’m on it.

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