Illuminated Chronicles: Skateboarding in India Episode 1 (by Levi’s)

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

First of all I didn’t know Levi’s did this whole skateboarding thing. Did you? If so you are wiser and cooler than I.

Directed and filmed by Simon Weyhe & Mathias Nyholm…this is inspirational work. I found myself fist pumping often! Everybody involved from the filmmakers to the skaters to Levi’s should get a high five.

To inject a diverse and infectious culture like skateboarding into the rich Indian civilization is powerful. A whole group of youth will discover a unique voice equipped with a liberating perspective. These are the humble building blocks to dissent…not careless teenagers rebel without a cause that anger is fleeting. Rather a genuine and authentic questioning of the dominate culture’s values.

Once your wheels leave the ground, once you taste the air as you soar it’s hard to accept the ordinary. That’s why this is so exciting:

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“Never Forget: Somebody Somewhere Is Doing Something Fresh. Is It You?”

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