Illuminated Chronicles: Santanormal Activity Trailer

It’s that time of year when the jolly man returns. Philistine I ain’t talking about Santa!

I’m talking about Grant Cermak. He and his “elves” release a horror trailer every Christmas. (Horrible trailer? Yeah that too…check out the last year’s winner: The Xmas-Men Trailer!

This year it’s the Santanormal Activity Trailer…yeah better get the G.I. Joe nightlight ready; this should keep you up at night:

Yup. I know. Look for Grant next month at Sundance; he goes every January.

Merry Christmas from Girth Radio…may your pants free holidays be mucho joyous with the people and food you love the most.

Sammy Baltic Web

Sammy Younan @ W • T • F

Ziggy Was Here January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016

Also published on Medium.

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