Hidden Gem: Hoodie Allen “No Interruption”

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

I guess this doesn’t exactly qualify as a “Hidden” Gem. (You’re also free to argue it may not be a Gem either). So Be It. Just in the mood for something fun and silly…and this qualifies:

Plus there’s an X-Men reference: Free Nerdery!

Hoodie Allen’s secret identity is Steven Markowitz; his surreal origin story is he left Google for a music career. It is so simple and easy to write that sentence, another thing to actually do it, you know?

That’s the thing with leaving a steady 9 to 5: he knew what he was getting at Google, he understood the perks, the salary was clearly defined; he knew when to expect paychecks. It’s a Good Life (for some).

And yet if you heart isn’t in it, if you have that desire to do more leaving a lucrative 9 to 5 isn’t hard. Even if it’s for a career in music which let’s face it is fraught with insecurity.

“It was hard but it didn’t really fit into the plan,” he said. “We never really knew if the music would take off like this, so it didn’t seem reasonable to pass up the job at the time.”

Yes Guy. So Hidden or Gem I guess that’s the real Hoodie Allen take away…cue The More You Know…

Fun Facts

  • From All-American his debut album released on April 10, 2012
  • Check out his album People Keep Talking
  • Happy Camper is his new album released on November 17, 2015 and it’s free…oh Yes Guy!

Sammy Younan @ W • T • F

Ziggy Was Here January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016

Also published on Medium.

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