Beyond Amazing: Happy 60th Birthday Spider-Man

June 5, 62: #StanLee & #SteveDitko debuted #PeterParker in Amazing Fantasy #15.

5 years later on Sept 9, 67 nerds first heard “#SpiderMan” theme song of the 67 cartoon, composed by Paul Francis Webster & Bob Harris recorded at RCA Studios in #Toronto.

It’s a miracle having been raised on shlock like this…Rocket Robin Hood it didn’t damage my taste.

You punk kids raised on glossy Disney+ TV shows don’t recognize how much work we all put in.

How much cheeze we had to consume that comprised our values to get Spider-Man to 60.

There truly should be a Veterans Day for older nerds who witnessed unspeakable horrors. I paid for “#SpiderMan” 3 where he danced.

There’s no amount of nostalgia or drink that’ll make that Crap Carnival palatable.

His dancing is his Bat-Nipples, his pod-race.

Kids in 1966 picked up “Amazing” #SpiderMan #38 and read how the Webhead battled…Joe Smith.

He’s an angry boxer: “Just A Guy Named Joe!” Seriously?

You hope and pray that’s not somebody’s first issue.

Thankfully Spidey’s quality has offset a lot of the cheeze…Gwen’s death is a seminal;

Amazing Spider-Man #96 hastened the dismantling of the gutless Comics Code Authority. In your face #FredricWertham!

And Kraven’s Last Hunt is stunning; present tense.

It remains The Gold Standard, one of the greatest comics of all time. #SpiderMan has gotten soft in his old age; I doubt we’ll ever see anything that harrowing or dark from him again. Ya gotta think of the children.

Ann Nocenti trapped Parker in Kingpin’s insane asylum. Super dark…I miss those tales.

I wish Marvel would drop one of those Dark Night of the Soul epics every couple of years: snuff out all hope; have darkness consume him whole like a hungry python.

Obviously I haven’t around for all 60 #SpiderMan years but it’s been an incredible run.

I’m thankful I put in the time and the money to help get him to 60. For the most part it made pop culture better.

Leave pop culture in better shape than when you first found it right?

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