A Streetcar Named Desire…A Modern Romance
On the streetcar is a girl (kinda) standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
Behind me she says on the phone: “Chris I just saw somebody wearing a Keith Richards t-shirt and it just got me even more excited for the Stones concert. I can’t wait to experience this moment with you…will you come with me?”
What an outstanding offer…long silence as Chris speaks…that’s not good.
“Chris–” pause and listening. So not good.
Finally: “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity…to see the Stones with me.” She’s really selling the connection as much as the Stones.
I wonder what Chris’ issue is…her? Stones? Maybe he really has a sick grandmother?
“You know you can do that stuff another day.” (Here it comes) “Don’t you want to go with me?” (Oh snap…she was doing so good until then then…)
I don’t hear anything Chris says. Eventually she says ok. And hangs up. I know she hung up because she lets out the longest heaviest sigh in the history of humanity: this chick is weary.
Now I’m curious…I pull the bell knowing I’m going to get off a few stops early.
S’ok I don’t mind the walk surrounded by lots of girls in their Summer clothes and I want to check out this chick. She is cute, blonde not my favourite flavour and she’s looking down at her phone…not at a screen but like she’s trying to will Chris to call her back.
I wonder why he said no, his reasons might totally be legit.
Also I’ve never seen the Stones and she has a free ticket. Nah: for now her heart belongs to Chris.
Also published on Medium.