A Nerd Prayer

“Please be good, please be good, please be good…” is the prayer of every nerd whenever a movie or tv show adaption is announced.

We are a people who lack faith but often…have hope. We have witnessed miracles and yet we understand that everything happens for a financial reason.

Lord willing we’ll live to see lazy transgressors punished with the fires of hell because we know we’ve been led by the spirit of continuity. Casting works in mysterious ways and for the dark times when grace fails we have to let go and let the studio do and be.

Peace is a choice much like praise much like a midnight screening becoming a dark night of the soul. Despite the wail and suffering hashtags crying out “these are the end times!” this agony is not more than we can bear.

May our hearts be open enough to accept these modern blessings or at least be continually renewed by going back to the basics like a baby Jesus.


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