8 Truths I Learned From Entourage: No. 2

No Pants

Am I the only one who thought the entire notion of going to school at 8:30am every single morning ridiculous? I’m a night owl…I only get to work, real work by 11pm or so. I suppose the logic was to prepare you for “the real world” and yet many businesses allow employees to work from home, flexhours and other similar perks. So: school is out of touch with reality. No matter. What school did get right was Summer. Yes Guy!

Just having those months with utterly nothing scheduled was a blessing. TV, comic books and naps throw in a few Hardy Boys and Three Investigators books and I was Summer set. To me that was the real lesson of school…learn to block off entire periods of rest. I was reminded of rest…and play watching Entourage.

The producers could have easily called the show Chillin. So much chillin happens…eating, loafing, hanging with the boys. Glorious. And oh so necessary.

Down With Pants!

Down With Pants!

There’s value to removing your pants. To lean back with a sweet cigar or brew a seriously serious cup of tea. And it wasn’t like none of them worked hard (save maybe Turtle and that’s changed over the seasons). Rest breeds clarity. Rest also diminishes fears.

And play. Truth is I never get into the Legos enough. Do you? I’ve started on Sundays taking a break from email. I try not to go near a computer. This rest frees me up to go and play. Hit up a patio with the Scarborough Kings. Take a nap. Sunday naps rock the disco and jam the nightclub. Do and be nothing.

I suspend the notion of always doing, this stupid North American tradition that laziness is being bad. The mind and the body were designed to rest and rest well not to work hard.

Now if you’ll excuse me…I have Coke in glass bottles chillin in ice and a Romeo y Julieta cigar calling my name. And I intend to answer.


Read Truth No. 1

Also published on Medium.

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