Trial by Trailer: Including…Stranger Things 3

Is this good?
Will this be good?
Every movie trailer answers or challenges those 2 questions. The ham-fisted rebuttal comes swiftly however: no you don’t need to always see a movie to know it’s tank.

Do you really need to sit through a Michael Bay Transformers movie to know for sure? Tank is Tank. And Fresh…well Fresh is always Fresh. I’m down like I’m Brown for that.

For the week of June 16-22, 2019 I cover:
Stranger Things 3: Coke
Official Secrets
Stranger Things 3

Shall we begin?

Stranger Things 3: Coke (June 18)
#TrailerAlert…kinda. It’s a Stranger Things 3 Coke ad.

The glory days…when we freely guzzled Coke before sugar morality turned the world “upside down.”

Sammy Verdict: Latchkey kids unite!

Official Secrets (June 18)
Official Secrets arrives in cinemas October 18 with Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Matthew Goode, Ralph Fiennes. Pip, pip!

Sammy Verdict: This looks intriguing…I’d be in for this.

Stranger Things 3 (June 21)
Stranger Things 2 was as awful as Barb’s haircut. Stranger Things 3’s trailer is superior to everything 2 offered. July 4, 2019 on Netflix: smart timing!

Sammy Verdict: I’m officially in: “We’re going to end you, we’re going to end your friends, and we’re going to end everyone.” Do It. Mash Em!


Listen to My Summer Lair @ W • T • F

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