The Glass Ceiling of Hate

You know what’s telling?

My Dad and I watched the recent Kamala Harris and Joe Biden victory speeches.

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New Book Alert: November 11-15, 2019

My weekly collection of new and notable books for your pop culture pleasure and edification: #ReadMoreTweetLess.

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New Book Alert: November 4-8, 2019

My weekly collection of new and notable books for your pop culture pleasure and edification: #ReadMoreTweetLess.

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A Copperhead Road Adventure

Today’s Adventure: I spoke to Steve Earle. Both on the record and off the record he regaled me with stories about the piano he had growing up, Nashville, hanging out with Willie Nelson, Guy Clark and so many old school cats.

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The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth

The Circus returned tonight…oh man I made a tea.

The episode opened in a restaurant…as they always do (minus Mark Halperin…single tear) but the restaurant was in…Moscow!!

They’re investigating this idea of a new cold war between US and Russia.

The first interview is the editor in chief of RT (Russia Today) a channel my dad and I will occasionally watch. I watch Chris Hedges’ On Contact a NY Times writer and social critic. Excellent show…you’d dig it. Chris wrote Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt a dense and deep book on…well revolt and ruckus. Highly Recommended. 

Anyways they asked the Ed-In-Chief if the recent Russian election was fair and free: she looked at them and said point blank: our elections are as free and fair as your American elections are. 

OH SNAP! That’s a table flip.

The Circus quickly went to the next interview.

Yo…welcome back.


Boutique Bubbles

Man…bubbles are surreal…

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The Free-Dumb of Elephant Cognition

Republicans like Paul Ryan are so screwed:

If he endorses Trump the public resort to name calling, labels and harsh slightly witty memes.

If he doesn’t endorse Trump he’s not a team player and he needs the resources of the GOP to further his ambitions.

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Illuminated Chronicles: The Simpsons: Trump v Hilary

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

The Simpsons are on Summer vacation however they’ve released a comment on the current election now that the 2 nominees have been confirmed:

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