Illuminated Chronicles: Jack White On Inspiration

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

Well now…so far 2017 smells like 2016. Still…New Year, New Hope and most important: New Work! When it comes to work Jack White is an ideal source of inspiration.

From the documentary Under Great White Northern Lights this is how hard Jack works:

Which of course prompts the question: How Hard Are You Working?

2017…let’s do this thing!!

Gonna start Nick Hasted’s bio Jack White: How He Built an Empire From the Blues soon.

Sammy Younan @ W • T • F

Ziggy Was Here January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016

7 Excellent Cigar Smoking Tunes

I smoke cigars. Not because it’s cool, not because I’m trying to impress you and not because I have a beef with my health. A cigar is a forced slowdown, a break from the ordinary rush, the difference between scanning and reading. A cigar is chilling. I can’t imagine how Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson smokes cigars at work. Why equate something designed for chilling with working? That’d be like using a hot tub to hold business meetings. (Actually this isn’t a bad idea, will file away this one to explore later…).

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