Lowe: OKC’s jersey patch deal completes sponsorship for all 30 teams

Lowe: OKC’s jersey patch deal completes sponsorship for all 30 teams

On average, creative geniuses aren’t qualitatively better in their fields than their peers, they simply produce a greater volume of work which gives them more variation and a higher chance of originality.

Prof. Dean Simonton

Quantity leads you to quality hence #GOATs like Stephen King.

Comic Book Publishers, Faced With Flagging Sales, Look to Streaming

Comic Book Publishers, Faced With Flagging Sales, Look to Streaming

Inside Facebook’s Two Years of Hell

Inside Facebook’s Two Years of Hell

Virtual reality has reached a “tipping point.” It’s officially here to stay.

Virtual reality has reached a “tipping point.” It’s officially here to stay.

New Book Alert: April 6-10, 2020

My weekly collection of new and notable books for your pop culture pleasure and edification: #ReadMoreTweetLess.

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Netflix Is 45 Not 23

How much credit should we give Netflix or rather their machine learning algorithm?

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RE: Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky

Yes! From page 41 of Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky:
“Trentway-Wagar was arguing that because carpooling used to be inconvenient, it should always be inconvenient…Curiously, an organization that commits to helping society manage a problem also commits itself to the preservation of that same problem, as its institutional existence hinges on society’s continued need for its management. Bus companies provide a critical service—public transportation—but they also commit themselves, as Trentway-Wagar did, to fending off competition from alternative ways of moving people from one place to another.”

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Hire & Fire

So this is exciting…my company NewMusic Ten is growing and I get to hire some new faces. Only…I’ve never hired anybody before. The talented people I work with are all Super Friends. So this is the first time I have to like, post the job, read resumes and do, like job interviews. And so far, this entire process is utter bullshit.

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Search Engines From a Rich Person’s POV

The following statement can be attributed to Michael Petricone, senior vice president, government and regulatory affairs, Consumer Electronics Association, regarding a study released by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) purporting search engines aid in consumer infringement of online content:

This is a Hollywood formula as familiar as a rom-com: Blame the technology instead of providing your customers with the experiences and products they want. Yesterday, it was the VCR and the MP3 player. Today, it’s search engines, Aereo and the Dish Hopper.

“Search engines don’t ‘introduce’ consumers to infringing content – most consumers simply want legal, conveniently accessed digital content at a reasonable price. Indeed, studies show that unauthorized downloading decreases as legal alternatives proliferate.

“Commercial piracy is wrong and illegal. Violators should be prosecuted under existing laws. But the answer is not restrictions on search engines or the ability of Internet users to access information.

“The fact is that today, due to the Internet, artists can create, distribute, and monetize more content more easily than ever before. Rather than assailing innovators, we urge the content community to work with the tech industry to provide new, exciting and authorized distribution platforms to consumers.”



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