Soar Like A Hawk

Today!!! I finally witnessed one of the last great American superheroes…I saw Tony Hawk live. And it was spectacular; sweeter than Mountain Dew if that’s possible.

To see a man soar, defying gravity and all that threatens to keep us down. I hope the kids who were watching took notice…they’ll be starting school soon and it’s back to colouring in the lines…whatever that’s all about.

Tony’s closing on 50 and dude still has it. To celebrate I hit up a food truck and got a pulled pork grilled cheese sangwich and bacon covered mac and cheese.

Now I’m all tuckered out.


Other Classic American Superheroes:
Evel Knievel
MJ (both of em)
Laird Hamilton
Tony Hawk
Oh and Bon Jovi…he’s wanted dead or alive!


Ziggy Was Here January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016

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