Overheard at Indie Week 2012: Day 1

Overheard last night during Indie Week ruckus:
Leggy blonde: “I dunno what happened…I used to be so popular.” Boyfriend just shrugged, meh.

“My STD went viral!”

“I’m from the South…how am I supposed to know Canada’s cold!”

“Oh…wait I get it now…instead of Fahrenheit they have Celsius, right? What the hell is a Celsius? I shoulda brought a jacket.”

“I’m in a band and these Toronto girls are giving me no love.” To which his friend replies: “Dude…you’re just the drummer.”

Lastly…at a diner, girl sitting across from her boy, right next to us: “Jeremy I know you slept with my sister!” (This one of course went off…I instantly got comfortable and ordered drinks…let’s do this!)


Also published on Medium.

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