#NewBookAlert: February 19-23, 2018
My weekly collection of new and notable books for your pop culture pleasure and edification: #ReadMoreTweetLess.
All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai (Dutton, Novel on sale February 20): If you haven’t read All Our Wrong Todays in hardback it is out TODAY in paperback so you have an opportunity to right that wrong. It’s also a book with a time machine so if that’s true then you’ll always have time to read this excellent novel. #NewBookAlert for February 20, 2018
Publication day for the ALL OUR WRONG TODAYS. About to sign a few hundred books. Here's number 1: pic.twitter.com/KSxcd8cthY
— Elan Mastai (@elanmastai) February 20, 2018
Race Matters, 25th Anniversary: With a New Introduction by Cornel West (Beacon Press, Nonfiction on sale December 5, 2017): well 25 years later…”new.” Recommended Reading for Black History Month. (And life aside from this month…any Cornel West is Recommended Reading. #NewBookAlert for February 21, 2018
Just released the 25th Anniversary edition of RACE MATTERS — Sizzling new introduction about race matters in the 21st Century, dealing with Trump, Republican Party, Obama, Democratic Party, White Supremacy and the decline of the American Empire. Link: https://t.co/DF9ES7nNJG
— Cornel West (@CornelWest) December 5, 2017
The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures by Antonio Damasio (Pantheon, Nonfiction on sale February 6): The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures…I ah I’m not sure if I’ll get everything this book is suggesting but it seems fascinating. #NewBookAlert for February 22, 2018
Your emotional life IS your life, far more than most of us (especially those of us who “live” in our minds) realize.
I cannot wait to read the new book "The Strange Order of Things" written by @damasiouschttps://t.co/M5NFOA4rGN pic.twitter.com/iHJu90eM26
— Susan Cain (@susancain) February 7, 2018
Dear Current Occupant: A Memoir by Chelene Knight (BookThug, Biography on sale March 1): this book is a “nonfiction memoir about home and belonging set in the 80s and 90s of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.” Seems kinda fresh. #NewBookAlert for February 23, 2018
Dear Current Occupant by @PoetChelene is a New and Notable Memoir on the 49thShelf https://t.co/sSo0qy4apL. #canlit #books via @49thshelf pic.twitter.com/HsNQi1jdl6
— Book*hug Press (@bookhugpress) February 21, 2018
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