The SampleBank Interview: Live & Online With RealTVFilms

Barely 24 hours at SXSW, chillin at the Maple Leaf Digital Lounge when I’m asked to do a live web interview. Ugh…live…not with my jokes!

Thank you Karim Awad and Scott Howard for helping to set this up! Thank you Gordon Vasquez at RealTVFilms for doing this! Thank you Soniya Monga for conducting the interview…oh and at laughing at least 60% of jokes.

Peep 3 photos of the interview:

#1: Arty B & W

#2: Arty Colour (with an expression like that they’ll never ask me to do a TED Talk)

#3: At the end! Turns out the jokes weren’t so bad!

Oh and in case you’re wondering…the t-shirt reads:
Popular Culture

Yes Guy! It’s by Fresh Melt Water, a brand outta Philly. As much my motto as anything. Wear your dreams on your t-shirts!

Note: I’ll have archived footage soon as it’s up.

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