Hidden Gem: Fools “Teenage Wildlife”

Sammy Younan

Girth Radio Presents…

It’s fascinating Fools choose to celebrate Bowie’s birth day…the day (January 8) his life began even though 2 days later (January 10) his life concludes. Fools a spirited collaboration between vocalist Nikki Ashworth and multi-instrumentalist Neil Gray are Bowie fans. I’ve no doubt his passing impacts them deeply…as it does all of us (present tense).

From the band’s bandcamp page…

Happy birthday, David:

“Those midwives to history put on their bloody robes/The word is that the hunted one is out there on his own”

released January 8, 2017
Written by David Bowie


Sammy Younan @ W • T • F

Ziggy Was Here January 8, 1947 – January 10, 2016

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