Goodbye Maya Angelou

Awww man. I didn’t grow up with grandparents so I let people like Maya Angelou adopt me. That sucks.

My favourite Maya moment (seen the woman live a few times) actually came via tv. It was an episode of Iconoclasts…if you haven’t seen it, track it down.

It paired Angelou with Dave Chappelle. I know right?

At one point she asks about his frequent use of nigger. Dave says his thing. She nods then eloquently grandmothers him with an astonishing story and black history knowledge. It was like an adult shot blocking a child’s jump shop, Dave didn’t have a chance. Fresh!

Our world is much poorer tonight.

Born: April 4, 1928, St. Louis, Missouri
Died: May 28, 2014, Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Also published on Medium.

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