Complain or Create: Can’t Do Both

I am visual minority, granted a man but still not white. And I take my browness into creative industries typically dominated by white men. And I could care less.

If there is something to want to do, want to achieve nut the hell up and do it. Already.

Life is not school or the army. If you believe you have to ask permission to do…well anything you’ve already failed. You don’t have to ask permission from anybody, most of the time you don’t even have to ask forgiveness. Figure out what you want and then go do it.

Messages like this are as redundant as reminding people to turn off their phones before a movie. But stupidly this is where we’re at.

If you are choosing to limit your achievements and success because you’re gay or female or a visual minority (or all 3) that’s your own stupid choice, stop lashing out and blaming others. Take responsibilities for all of your choices starting with that one.

Everything you do will be hard, it’s not supposed to be easy. Butthead.

You know how hard it is to write a good book? How much harder it is to write a great book? Make a great movie? Create a great comic book?

All great work starts with commitment and sacrifice: so commit now to sacrificing your stupid hang ups and go out there and make some damn good work.

I’m tired…tired of reading boring comic books and sitting through Hollywood movies that only engage for 20 minutes because you won’t nut up, sitting around like a good child foolishly thinking you need permission. Morons. Figure out what you want and then go and do it.


Also published on Medium.

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