A Bloodbath of Feelings

Can I get personal for a moment? Typically I share feelings face to face not in this space.

Over the weekend I ran into Geek Hard’s webmaster and he mentioned Back Issue Bloodbath’s numbers continue to flourish. Woah…really?

Uploading a podcast into cyberspace is like dropping a penny into a bottomless pit: after a certain point you’re not sure what the journey is like or what to expect.

I’m grateful for everybody that listens.

I’m thankful for everybody that listens and then shares the episodes.

I’m appreciative of fans who declare I’m crazy/out to lunch/nuts etc. (There’s no right or wrong with any of this stuff so it’s all good. Just wish for more creative criticisms. The compliments are sweet too.)

I’m encouraged by this support and this experience.

I’m good with the work we’ve done but looking forward to getting better…to quote Daft Punk: “Work is never over. Work it harder, make it better.” Indeed.

Ok group hug is over.

Let’s go back to sarcasm, poop schedules and no pants parties: DOWN WITH PANTS! Also fur is murder.


Listen to Girth Radio @ W • T • F

Also published on Medium.

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